Fit Biz Coaching

Are you ready to Learn How to Scale your online fitness business?

Creating your core offer

First things first, we will show you step by step how to create your online programs with our software that your clients will be able to download an app to EASILY follow along with their fitness plan (workouts, nutrition, habits, daily goals, etc...). We will also identify your ideal client and nail down what price points you will be comfortable working with clients on.

Offer something free

In the second unit, we show you how to offer a free 2-week challenge to promote on all your social media channels that will give your audience an opportunity on what it feels like to work with you. This is the easiest way to sign your first 10-20 clients after the challenge is complete while also allowing you to get testimonials early in your business which will only lead to more referrals & sales by improving your credibility as a coach.

Content Creation Lab

We then show you a full blueprint to absolutely dominate on social media with content creation. Enough posting like an influencer, it''s time to teach you how to create content that speaks to the pain-points of your target audience & provides value to them. The more value you post daily on social media, the more conversations you'll be able to start with your prospects and the more phone calls you'll be able to book.

Lead Generation systems

Now this is where things get really exciting. In this unit, we show you how to create call-to-action IG/Fb stories to find leads and teach you a full dm script based off the people who like/comment on your posts. This DM script prioritizes offering a free short consultation in the DM's where you ask your prospect quality questions about their fitness goals and struggles. Then, once you get enough info, you provide them with quick tips to help them get closer to their goals. At the end of this short consultation, you ask to connect with them on a consultation call. 9/10 times the prospect will say yes because you've already put in effort to actually want to help them.

Sales Mastery training

You will then be trained and educated to stay committed to help your clients reach their fitness goals. The sad reality is, 99% of people won't change until they finally make the commitment to invest into themselves. This is where you come in. As the coach, it is your duty and obligation to help change the lives of others. We will show you how to overcome any objection a client gives you (price to high, not enough time, etc.) by building proper rapport in the beginning of the call and painting the picture for your prospects. You will be fully equipped with an entire phone script and have access to watching recorded sales calls seeing our coaches overcoming client objections and closing the deal.

Scaling with software systems

Upon completion of this mentorship, you will be graduated into our EDST Essentials Systems Membership. From here, we show you how to level up from 5-10k/ mo to 10-50K+/ mo with creating your own website, setting up text/email marketing campaigns, ranking higher on google through reviews to help you get more leads organically and running targeted facebook/Ig ad campaigns. You will also invited to work with us and become a mentor to help other coaches once you hit 10K/ mo in your coaching business.

  • Life-Time Access to Course

  • no website needed

  • Learn how to create your own online workout programs

  • learn how to fulfill on your clients and Change their life

  • Steal our coaching application & client agreement form

  • Steal our nutrition plans for your clients

  • Organic Lead generation systems and Sales Mastery training to make 5-10k/ mo online


STreamLine Your Online Coaching Business!

Learn how

the #1 Online Fitness Course

Fit Biz Coaching

The full blueprint for any personal trainer or coach to launch their online coaching programs and a feasible step-by-step guide to make 5-10k a month organically online.


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